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Es folgt eine Liste der Kompilierabhängigkeiten dieses Projektes, die durch Dependency-Management kontrolliert werden:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Typ Lizenz
args4j args4j 2.0.16 - jar -
ch.qos.logback logback-classic 1.3.0-alpha4 - jar Eclipse Public License - v 1.0, GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.client 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.core 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.oio.nio 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.local 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.client 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.core 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.rest.client 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.rest.server 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.server 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.ls.server.cproc 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.rest.client 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.rest.server 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.rest.shared 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.server 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.site.skin 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.test 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT war jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.updater 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - jar GNU Lesser General Public License
co.codewizards.cloudstore co.codewizards.cloudstore.webapp 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - war GNU Lesser General Public License
com.sun.istack istack-commons-runtime 3.0.7 - jar CDDL 1.1, GPL2 w/ CPE
com.sun.istack istack-commons-tools 3.0.7 - jar CDDL 1.1, GPL2 w/ CPE
com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal resolver 20050927 - jar -
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-impl 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-impl 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-jxc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-jxc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-osgi 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-xjc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-xjc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind.external relaxng-datatype 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.bind.external rngom 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
com.sun.xml.dtd-parser dtd-parser 1.4 - jar CDDL v1.1 / GPL v2 dual license
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset FastInfoset 1.2.15 sources jar Apache License, Version 2.0
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset FastInfoset 1.2.15 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
javax.activation javax.activation-api 1.2.0 - jar CDDL/GPLv2+CE
javax.inject javax.inject 1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
javax.transaction javax.transaction-api 1.3 - jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.xml.bind jaxb-api 2.4.0-b180830.0359 sources jar CDDL 1.1, GPL2 w/ CPE
javax.xml.bind jaxb-api 2.4.0-b180830.0359 - jar CDDL 1.1, GPL2 w/ CPE
org.apache.ant ant 1.10.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.18 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.derby derby - jar Apache 2
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.6 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.bouncycastle bcpg-jdk15on 161b03 - jar Bouncy Castle Licence, Apache Software License, Version 1.1
org.bouncycastle bcprov-jdk15on 161b03 - jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.datanucleus datanucleus-api-jdo 5.2.3 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.datanucleus datanucleus-core 5.2.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.datanucleus datanucleus-rdbms 5.2.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.datanucleus javax.jdo 3.2.0-m13 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-server 9.4.17.v20190418 - jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0, Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-servlets 9.4.17.v20190418 - jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0, Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-webapp 9.4.17.v20190418 - jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0, Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-jxc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-jxc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-runtime 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-runtime 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-xjc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 sources jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-xjc 2.4.0-b180830.0438 - jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.connectors jersey-apache-connector 2.29.1 - jar EPL 2.0, GPL2 w/ CPE, EDL 1.0, BSD 2-Clause, Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, Modified BSD, jquery.org/license, MIT license, W3C license
org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-servlet 2.29.1 - jar EPL 2.0, GPL2 w/ CPE, EDL 1.0, BSD 2-Clause, Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, Modified BSD, jquery.org/license, MIT license, W3C license
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-client 2.29.1 - jar EPL 2.0, GPL2 w/ CPE, EDL 1.0, BSD 2-Clause, Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, Modified BSD, jquery.org/license, MIT license, W3C license
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-common 2.29.1 - jar EPL 2.0, The GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, With Classpath Exception, Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-server 2.29.1 - jar EPL 2.0, The GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, With Classpath Exception, Apache License, 2.0, Modified BSD
org.jvnet.staxex stax-ex 1.8 sources jar Dual license consisting of the CDDL v1.1 and GPL v2
org.jvnet.staxex stax-ex 1.8 - jar Dual license consisting of the CDDL v1.1 and GPL v2
org.postgresql postgresql 42.2.12 - jar BSD-2-Clause
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 2.0.0-alpha1 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j jul-to-slf4j 2.0.0-alpha1 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j log4j-over-slf4j 2.0.0-alpha1 - jar Apache Software Licenses
org.slf4j slf4j-api 2.0.0-alpha1 - jar MIT License


Es folgt eine Liste der Testabhängigkeiten dieses Projektes, die durch Dependency-Management kontrolliert werden:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Typ Lizenz
com.google.code.javaparser javaparser 1.0.8 jar GNU Lesser General Public License
junit junit 4.12 jar Eclipse Public License 1.0
net.jcip jcip-annotations 1.0 jar -
org.apache.directory.server apacheds-core-integ 2.0.0-M20 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.directory.server apacheds-server-integ 2.0.0-M20 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.assertj assertj-core 2.4.1 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.jmockit jmockit 1.49 jar The MIT License
xmlunit xmlunit 1.3 jar BSD License


Es folgt eine Liste der zur Verfügung zu stellenden Abhängigkeiten dieses Projektes, die durch Dependency-Management kontrolliert werden:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Typ Lizenz
javax.servlet javax.servlet-api 3.1.0 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception