package org.cumulus4j.testutil; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** *

* A benchmark & performance testing tool. Use an instance of Stopwatch to find out * how long certain tasks take in your application and how many recursions appear with which depth. One instance of Stopwatch can be used to measure the times of multiple tasks and * {@link #createHumanReport(boolean) generate a single report} for all of them. *


* Instances of this class are throw-away objects that should be subject to garbage collection as soon * as they are not used anymore (hence you should think twice before keeping an instance in a static field!). *

* * @author marco schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de */ public class Stopwatch { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Stopwatch.class); private static class TaskRecursion { public TaskRecursion(Task task, int recursionLevel) { this.task = task; this.recursionLevel = recursionLevel; } private Task task; private int recursionLevel; private long accumulatedTime = 0; private long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long maxTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; private int invocationCount; public String getTaskIdentifier() { return task.getTaskIdentifier(); } public Task getAccumulationSummary() { return task; } public int getRecursionLevel() { return recursionLevel; } public long getAccumulatedTime() { return accumulatedTime; } public long getMinTime() { return minTime; } public long getMaxTime() { return maxTime; } public int getInvocationCount() { return invocationCount; } private long startTimestamp = 0; public void start() { if (startTimestamp != 0) throw new IllegalStateException("start already called! taskIdentifier=" + getTaskIdentifier() + " recursionLevel=" + recursionLevel); startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void stop() { if (startTimestamp == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("start not called or stop already called! taskIdentifier=" + getTaskIdentifier() + " recursionLevel=" + recursionLevel); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp; startTimestamp = 0; ++invocationCount; accumulatedTime += duration; minTime = Math.min(minTime, duration); maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, duration); } } private static class Task { public Task(String taskIdentifier) { this.taskIdentifier = taskIdentifier; } private Map recursionLevel2accumulationSummaryRecursive = new TreeMap(); protected TaskRecursion createAccumulationSummaryRecursive(int recursionLevel) { TaskRecursion taskRecursion = recursionLevel2accumulationSummaryRecursive.get(recursionLevel); if (taskRecursion == null) { taskRecursion = new TaskRecursion(this, recursionLevel); recursionLevel2accumulationSummaryRecursive.put(recursionLevel, taskRecursion); } return taskRecursion; } private String taskIdentifier; private int invocationCount; private int recursionLevel = -1; public String getTaskIdentifier() { return taskIdentifier; } public int getInvocationCount() { return invocationCount; } public void start() { createAccumulationSummaryRecursive(++recursionLevel).start(); } public void stop() { if (recursionLevel < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("recursionLevel < 0"); recursionLevel2accumulationSummaryRecursive.get(recursionLevel--).stop(); ++invocationCount; } protected void appendToReport(StringBuilder sb) { for (TaskRecursion taskRecursion : recursionLevel2accumulationSummaryRecursive.values()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(getIndentByRecursionLevel(taskRecursion.getRecursionLevel())); sb.append("recursionLevel="); sb.append(taskRecursion.getRecursionLevel()); sb.append(" invocationCount="); sb.append(taskRecursion.getInvocationCount()); sb.append(" accumulatedTime="); sb.append(taskRecursion.getAccumulatedTime()); sb.append(" minTime="); sb.append(taskRecursion.getMinTime()); sb.append(" maxTime="); sb.append(taskRecursion.getMaxTime()); sb.append('\n'); } } } private static String getIndentByRecursionLevel(int recursionLevel) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < recursionLevel; ++i) sb.append(" "); return sb.toString(); } private Map taskIdentifier2task = new TreeMap(); protected Task createTask(String taskIdentifier) { Task task = taskIdentifier2task.get(taskIdentifier); if (task == null) { task = new Task(taskIdentifier); taskIdentifier2task.put(taskIdentifier, task); } return task; } /** * Mark the beginning of a task (imagine this as clicking the "start" button on your stopwatch for a certain task). * Note, that there should exist a corresponding {@link #stop(String)} invocation! *

* The {@link Stopwatch} supports recursion. You can therefore call start(String) inside a method that calls * itself (directly or indirectly) without any problem. You only have to ensure that there is a stop for each start. *

* * @param taskIdentifier the identifier of the task. You must pass the same value to the corresponding {@link #stop(String)} invocation! * @see #stop(String) */ public void start(String taskIdentifier) { try { createTask(taskIdentifier).start(); } catch (Exception x) { taskIdentifier2task.remove(taskIdentifier); // prevent corrupt data by removing it. logger.warn("start(taskIdentifier='" + taskIdentifier + "'): " + x, x); return; } } /** * Mark the end of a task (imagine this as clicking the "stop" button on your stopwatch for a certain task). * Note, that there should exist one stop(String) invocation for each {@link #start(String)}! * * @param taskIdentifier the identifier of the task. You must pass the same value to the corresponding {@link #start(String)} invocation! * @see #start(String) */ public void stop(String taskIdentifier) { Task task = taskIdentifier2task.get(taskIdentifier); if (task == null) { Exception x = new IllegalArgumentException("There is no task with the taskIdentifier \"" + taskIdentifier + "\"! You must call start(...) before stop(...) with the same taskIdentifier!"); logger.warn("stop(taskIdentifier='" + taskIdentifier + "'): " + x, x); return; } try { task.stop(); } catch (Exception x) { taskIdentifier2task.remove(taskIdentifier); // prevent corrupt data by removing it. logger.warn("stop(taskIdentifier='" + taskIdentifier + "'): " + x, x); return; } } /** * Clear all data that was collected so far. */ public void clear() { taskIdentifier2task.clear(); } /** * Generate a report in human-readable form. * * @param clear whether to call {@link #clear()} afterwards to forget all data (and allow for garbage collection). * @return a human-readable report of the data gathered before. */ public String createHumanReport(boolean clear) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('\n'); for (Task task : taskIdentifier2task.values()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(task.getTaskIdentifier()); sb.append(" invocationCount="); sb.append(task.getInvocationCount()); sb.append('\n'); task.appendToReport(sb); } if (clear) clear(); return sb.toString(); } }