

Took 4 min 5 sec.

Standard Output

08:01:27.659 [Test worker] INFO  o.s.c.p.PgpRegistry - clearCache: entered.
08:01:33.636 [Test worker] INFO  D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.local.persistence.SignatureImpl" is tagged as "embedded-only" so does not have its own datastore table.
08:01:41.753 [Test worker] INFO  D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.local.persistence.SignatureImpl" is tagged as "embedded-only" so does not have its own datastore table.
08:01:42.247 [Test worker] INFO  D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.loc
...[truncated 244261 chars]...
d=1f3db76d-9a56-4482-9107-25c6a86f42bb localRepositoryRevisionSynced=109
08:10:39.557 [qtp1152861381-1628] INFO  c.c.c.l.t.FileRepoTransport - endSyncToRepository: localRepositoryId=1f3db76d-9a56-4482-9107-25c6a86f42bb remoteRepositoryId=4b8324cd-ef78-409f-b270-94e0a12dd66b transaction.localRevision=91 remoteFromLocalRevision=109
08:10:39.644 [Test worker] INFO  o.s.t.AbstractRepoToRepoSyncIT - Synchronising...: 100.00%
08:10:40.112 [Test worker] INFO  o.s.c.p.PgpRegistry - clearCache: entered.