Passedorg.subshare.test.SymlinkCollisionOnClientRepoToRepoSyncIT.newFileVsNewSymlinkCollisionOnClient Standard Output08:29:59.576 [Test worker] INFO o.s.c.p.PgpRegistry - clearCache: entered.
08:30:03.160 [Test worker] INFO D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.local.persistence.SignatureImpl" is tagged as "embedded-only" so does not have its own datastore table.
08:30:05.522 [Test worker] INFO D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.local.persistence.SignatureImpl" is tagged as "embedded-only" so does not have its own datastore table.
08:30:05.749 [Test worker] INFO D.Datastore - The class "org.subshare.loc
...[truncated 154406 chars]...
7da-8f25-475ecc4e1351 renewalDateTime=2017-04-01T07:00:26.669Z expiryDateTime=2017-04-01T07:30:26.669Z
08:31:39.786 [Test worker] INFO o.s.r.c.t.CryptreeRestRepoTransportImpl - readCryptoKeyId: took 4 ms.
08:31:39.836 [Test worker] INFO o.s.l.p.CollisionDao - getCollisions: query.execute(...) took 8 ms.
08:31:39.838 [Test worker] INFO o.s.l.p.CollisionDao - getCollisions: Loading result-set with 1 elements took 2 ms.
08:31:40.189 [Test worker] INFO o.s.c.p.PgpRegistry - clearCache: entered.