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Server installation

Install Java

If you didn't install Java, yet, you should do this now. Please download and install either Oracle Java or the OpenJDK. Subshare requires Java 8.

If you use Ubuntu, you could open a shell and enter the following command to install the OpenJDK 8:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

Note: The server should still work with Java 7 (only the GUI client needs version 8). Hence, if you have only Java 7 available on your server and cannot easily upgrade, you should give it a try.

Download server

Download the subshare server to your local machine. It is recommended that you download the PGP signature, too, and verify the authenticity of the binary file.

In the following we assume that you downloaded it to your ~/Downloads/ directory.

Ubuntu, Debian and other *nix

In the following, we describe how to install the subshare server on Ubuntu or Debian. The process on all other unices should be (nearly) the same.

The subshare server works on Windows, too. If you use Windows, we kindly ask you to document the installation in our wiki and tell us by opening an issue in our tracker.

Create a user on your server

It is recommended that you run the subshare server as a dedicated user. Thus, please open a shell, SSH to your server and create the user subshared (for subshare-daemon):

ssh root@my.domain.com
adduser subshared

In this page, we use my.domain.com, whenever we mean your server. Of course, you must replace this by your server's fully qualified hostname.

Upload the program to your server

Open a shell, go to your ~/Downloads/ directory and copy the program to your server

… via rsync:

cd ~/Downloads
rsync -avP org.subshare.server-0.9.9-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz subshared@my.domain.com:

… or via scp:

cd ~/Downloads
scp -p org.subshare.server-0.9.9-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz subshared@my.domain.com:

The tar.gz file is now in the home directory of your newly created user on your server: /home/subshared/

Extract the tar.gz on your server

Open a new shell, SSH as user subshared onto your server and then extract the tar.gz file:

ssh subshared@my.domain.com
tar xzf org.subshare.server-0.9.9-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz

Now, there's a new directory: /home/subshared/subshare-server/

Start the server manually

You can start the server manually by invoking the following command (in the shell that you just used to extract):

~/subshare-server/bin/subshare-server &

The & sends this command to the background so that you can continue to use this shell.

Your server is now listening on TCP port 8443. This means, you can specify https://my.domain.com:8443 as server URL (instead of https://demo.subshare.org:6661) when configuring your client (see Getting started).

You can take a look into the log file, if you want to:

tail -f -n 1000 ~/.subshare/log/subshare.server.log

The -f option tells tail to follow, i.e. to continue running, wait for changes of the file and display everything that's newly added. You can press CTRL+C to end the tail command.

Stop the server manually

As the user subshared on your server, you have 2 possibilities to stop the server:

  1. In the same shell in which you started the server before, you can write fg to bring the process to the foreground and then press CTRL-C.

  2. Use the command

    killall java

    which ends all java processes owned by the current user. Because the subshare server should be the only java process running as the user subshared, this is the only process to be terminated (which is what you want).

    Note that killall without any option sends a SIGTERM which causes the server to shut down cleanly. If — for whatever reason — the server does not shut down and you really want to kill it, you must use

    killall -9 java

    instead. The -9 option means to send a SIGKILL which causes the operating system to forcibly kill the process.

    Don't do this, unless you have a reason! This way, the process does not have any time to properly shut down. It's nearly the same as pulling the power plug and might lead to data loss (highly unlikely but possible).

Auto-start the server during boot

As the user subshared on your server, you enter the following command in your shell:

crontab -e

This opens an editor with the so-called Cron jobs. Add a new line at the end with the following content:

@reboot ( $HOME/subshare-server/bin/subshare-server >> /tmp/subshare-server.console.log 2>&1 ) &

Save the file and reboot your server. It should now automatically start the subshare server as the user subshared and write its output into /tmp/subshare-server.console.log.

That's it! Have fun!

Change the listening port (optional)

By default, your server listens on port 8443. You can change this by editing your main configuration file:

sensible-editor ~/.subshare/subshare.properties

This should open an editor with the specified file (it was created when the server started the first time). Add the following line at its end:


Save the file and restart the subshare server. It should now listen on port 3939 instead of its default port.

Important: Do not change the server's port after you already created repositories on it! It is not yet supported to move a repository to a different URL! See issue 31.
