Polling Log

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This page captures the polling log that triggered this build.

Started on 21-Oct-2017 17:28:00
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 9a8b4f1fe772760f0f11345f594019b564901aea (origin/master)
using .gitcredentials to set credentials
 > git --version
 > git init /home/tomcat/tomcat/temp/hudson3011519607691063310tmp
 > git config --local credential.helper store --file=/home/tomcat/tomcat/temp/git1934808322461946183.credentials
 > git ls-remote -h https://github.com/intellihouse/intellihouse.git master
 > git config --local --remove-section credential
Done. Took 2.9 sec
Changes found